1.93shas any more of those legal...
2.62sover-the-counter wake-up drugs of his.
1.77sSlowly, slowly.
2.45sDon't make a sound. Don't even think.
1.8sHe can hear your thoughts.
3.39sThen, when he's least expecting it, bash his head in.
2.55sYou like attention, don't you, Bart?
2.29sDo I ever. But you don't care...
3.34swhether you get good attention for, say,
3.2sgetting high marks in school, or bad attention for, say,
2.5sturning your father into jack-in-the-box.
2.02sHomer, I see you agree with my theory.
1.95sI'm not nodding. It's the air conditioning.
3.7sThat's too bad. The attention the boy craves should be coming from you.