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8.46sNow, look here, Bender, I respect your diversity to the extent the law requires but you used up all your days off when you had that bout with roberculosis.
9.01sAw, all right, I'll go, but so help me I'll hold a grudge against every last stinking one of you for the rest of your lives.
1.15sWell, then it's settled.
2.74sSo long, everyone.
1.95sSo, let me get this straight.
0.53sThis planet is completely uninhabited?
2.5sIt's inhabited by robots.
2.87sOh, kind of like how a warehouse is inhabited by boxes.
2.14sOkay, Bender we're here.
1.33sIt's time to get to work.
3.9sYes, Miz Leela, tote that space barge lift that space bale.
4.07sNow, we can't land on the surface because those robots would kill Fry and me.
3.77sSo, we'll have to stay up here and lower you with the winch.