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1.87sCome on, Fry, walk like a robot.
2.6sI can't. I have to go to the bathroom.
1.57sRobots don't have bathrooms.
1.1sOh, right.
1.9sI wonder where they smoke in high school?
2.17sListen, just go behind those garbage cans.
1.6sI'll stand guard.
1.45sHurry up, Fry.
5.71sSir, are you aware that you're leaking coolant - at an alarming rate? Uh...
2.3sLet me just patch you up with some hot resin.
3.19sI think the leak's stopping itself.
1.33sWait... wait.
2.45sYeah... there we go.
1.87sWait... yeah.
4.49sWhat sort of robot turns down a free blast of searing hot resin?
4.77sI'm sorry, uh, my friend and I have to go perform some mindless repetitive tasks.
3.59sOh... sounds like a romantic evening.
1.57sI won't keep you.