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3.44sFirst things first. Let's get you looking sharp.
1.72sYou've got to look your best tonight
1.77sYou tubby little parasite
3.65s'Cause there's a lovely lady and she's waiting for you
1.88sAnd though her pretty face may seem
1.64sA special person's wettest dream
3.84sBefore you get to see it there are things you must do
3.14sWe'll try a tie and boutonniere of yellow
3.67sOr a rose that shows that you're a classy fellow
4.12sWith the posh panache of Jefferson at Monticello
3.29sBusting out a mile with style
10.28sI know you just can't wait to stare at all that luscious orange hair But, boy, before you touch a single curl You must impress that ultra-boomin', all-consumin'
6.39sPoorly groomin' Down's Syndrome girl
3.69sOn any normal day you reek As if you're on a farting streak