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2.52sWhose food stuff will be the good stuff?
3.77sChallenger-er Bender-er!
2.94sThat's my robot! I own him!
2.64sYou honor me, Chairman Koji.
2.42sDomo arigato, Mr. Roboto.
3.1sChairman-san, I came here with one goal--
2.8sto humiliate Elzar in a large stadium.
2.17sI believe I've done that.
1.21sNo question.
4.34sBut the true Zen of flavor is not found in a coliseum.
2.84sIt is found in a small kitchen with friends.
2.99sThat is why I decline the title of iron Cook,
3.85sand accept only the lesser title of zinc Saucier,
1.65swhich I just made up.
2.85sAlso, it comes with double prize money.