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1.12sHey, don't blame me.
7.26sYou tried to force Guenter to be a human but he's an animal. He belongs in the wild... or in the circus on one of those tiny tricycles.
1.57sNow that's entertainment.
3.97sBut Guenter's obviously better off being intelligent.
1.43sTell him, Leela.
1.6sUh-uh. I'm staying out of this.
1.33sNow, here's my opinion.
2.2sWhat we should do is...
4.25sI said... we'll go to the jungle and let Guenter decide once and for all.
0.95sYou all know the rules.
1.7sWhichever house wins the regatta
2.03sbecomes head of the Greek Council
1.27sand should that house
10.84scurrently be on any type of multiple secret probation it will be lifted and I will be forced to serve as grand marshal of a parade honoring them.
2.79sI say, Robot House.
4sYour watercraft is as ill- designed as you yourselves.