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2.43sNo, it usually takes a few hours.
1.67sUh-- Look,
2.34sI'd like to give you a tryout.
2.55sWrite a 500-word sample review.
3.69sIf it passes muster, we'll put you on staff.
4.15sThanks for the chance. You won't never regret this, Mr. Editing Guy.
4.6sYou know, Homie, the "E" doesn't work on that typewriter.
2.4sWe don't need no stinkin' "E."
2.42s"Restaurant Review." No.
1.94s"Eatery Evaluation?" No.
4.82s"Food Box-- Go or No Go, by Homer--" No.
2.5sEarl-- No! Bill Simpson!
2.27sWell? What do you think?
1.7sThis is a joke, right?
2.67sI mean, this is the stupidest thing I've ever read.
1.17sWhat's wrong with it?
4.59sWell, you keep using words like "pasghetti" and "momatoes."