1.97s- Oh! Hey, Brian.
- Hey.
1.67sNot to worry, I called in,
2.44sand a new cell phone should be here for you in three business days.
1sWhat? Why?
1.1sWell, clearly, yours is broken,
1.34sbecause I haven't heard from you.
1.73sI wanted to tell you about my week.
3.04sGod! Doesn't anyone in this house care about anyone but themselves?
1.4sHey, Brian, how was the seminar?
1.13sMeg, please.
1.23sI'm serious, Stewie.
2.54sI've had an amazing few days and nobody cares.
3.44sCome on in. Come on in. Tell old Stew.
1.87sOkay, well, first, the seminar was terrific.
1.6sI absorbed so much.