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3.69she found out that hell isn't all it's cracked up to be...
3.25sin these never-before-broadcast scenes.
2.39sMMm, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers--
1.92sOoh, Lionel Hutz!
4.09s"Cases won in 30 minutes or your Pizza's free." Hmm.
3.64sI'd sell my soul for a Formula One racing car.
2.75sThat can be arranged.
2.5sChanged my mind. Sorry.
3.02s- Cool. - Bart, stop pestering Satan!
2.62sYour Honor, we find that Homer Simpson's soul...
2.87sis legally the property of Marge Simpson, and not of the devil.
3.44s- Ohh. - Yea!
2sWhoo-hoo! Ow!
2.43sWell, I didn't win. Here's your pizza.
0.38sBut we did win.
2.42sThat's okay. The box is empty.