2.4sOh, I would be delighted.
4.34sSo, tell me about yourself.
4.65sUh, widower, one son, one working kidney. And you ?
2.48sWidowed, bad hip and liver disorder.
3.8sYou left something out-- ravishing !
3.8sUh, what are you, uh... doing tonight ?
3.7sSitting alone in my room. Oh, well, if you've got plans already--
0.48sNo, what were you going to say ?
1.97sOh, nothing.
3.09sOh, Abe, you were going to say something.
3.37sWell, I was wondering if you and I, you know,
3.1smight go to the same place at the same time--
4.04sjeez, you'd think this would get easier with time ! I'd love to.