2.87sYou know, we should visit Shelbyville more often.
2.73sThey have a store that just sells shoes.
2.29sI feel like I'm in Paris!
2.97sOh! The famous Shelbyville Theater District!
1.2sCan we see a play?
1.18sA play?
2.14sAll plays suck, all the time, and always will,
0.87sand everyone knows it.
1.43sLook, we'll compromise.
4sWe'll go see a play - that Lisa doesn't want to see.
0.97sLet's see...
2.54sThere's Equus starring Sideshow Mel,
2.75sthe 3 Dollar Bills in Gay, Gay, Gay!
4.24sOoh! Song of Shelbyville.
3sFrom the schoolhouse where our grandparents learnt