1.78sA bar, Mom.
1.62sI don't know what that is,
3.3sbut on Fridays, you come straight home after school!
2.44sTonight is silhouette night. Sit there.
2.4sI really just came home to change into a turtleneck.
1.93sSeymour, sit!
3.69sIn the morning. Oh, Mom, I'm borrowing your car.
0.44sGood morning, Agnes.
2.87sMmm, how's your new son working out?
5.51sThat child is the most disobedient, smart-alecky, middle-aged man in creation!
3.6sHello, ladies. Is this the line for people who wanna bad-mouth Sergeant Skinner?
3.85sAnd have 10 items or less. Twelve, 11, 10. The man's a weenie.
3.54sOh, now, be fair, Edna. I liked Armin Tamzarian too,