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2.07sCalculon's gonna kill us for sure,
2.1sand it's all everybody else's fault.
5.89sOy. All I wanted was for people to think of me one last time before I die.
4.75sWhat are you talking about, Uncle? Everybody remembers Harold Zoid.
2.84sAs a pathetic has-been, they remember me.
4.84sAs a forgotten relic, they remember me. Bah! It's better to die now.
4.12sNo! This is one death Dr. Zoidberg won't be responsible for.
2.85sZoidberg away!
4.67sHi. I'm joan Rivers's head. I tell you, I've had so many face-lifts,
2.84sthey finally lifted it right off my body.
4.27sIt's true! It's true! Oh, oh, oh. Here comes jack Nicholson's D.N.A.,
2.17sreconstituted in a gorilla body!