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1.57sAnyone got more happy news?
3.32sI'm gonna need a check for the dentist. Peter has two cavities.
4.49sI'll bet if I go upstairs to that bathroom that toothbrush is as dry as a bone.
1.72sSometimes I forget.
1.82sAnything else I should know about?
4.54sWell, my science class is taking a field trip to the water purification center.
3.39sAnd? And it costs $10 for lunch and the bus.
1.67sTen dollars?
4.37sWhat the hell is it with that school that every time you walk in there somebody wants $10?
1.17sLook, I'm really sorry,
1.7sbut if we're that desperate for money,
1.67sisn't there something we can do?
3.34sI mean, maybe we could ask to borrow some from Mr. Quagmire.
1.9sOh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?
3.84sLike to see me walk next door, hat in hand, and ask him for money.
3.09sBet you'd have your nose pressed against the glass to watch that conversation.
1.22sNo, you know what?
4.07sInstead, let's just go knock on all the doors of all our neighbors and tell them I'm a failure!