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1.8syour father and I have something to say.
2.32sKids, we're calling off the experiment early.
1.43sWhat? Why?
1.6sBecause you were right.
2.23sBeing a kid is a lot harder than being an adult.
2.1sHigh school sucks. Everything sucks.
1.97sSo let's just put things back the way they were,
1.62sand just forget all about this, all right?
3.1sYou kids go back to school. Lois goes back to groceries.
1.05sI go back to my job.
1.78sThat's not gonna work out, Dad.
1.03sWhy not?
1.53s'Cause you don't have a job anymore.
1.6sWhat? Chris, what do you mean?
2.25sAngela fired you and hired me.
2.27sShe said I've been doing twice as good a job as you did.
3.6sSo from now on, I'm the breadwinner in this house.
2.65sHey, I forget. Were you in for this or not?
1.95sChris, you are not taking Peter's job.
2.87sYou're a 14-year-old boy, and you belong in school.
3.65sWhy, so I can get a job someday? I already have a job.
2.17sChris, we're not gonna allow you to do this.
3.79sI seem to remember somebody saying the breadwinner makes the rules.
2.57sWell, I'm the breadwinner. And you know what?