1.48sYes, gills.
2.57sThen you don't need lungs anymore, is right?
1.42sCan't imagine why I would.
0.95sLie down on table.
2.27sI take lungs now, gills come next week.
1.6sLet's do it.
2sYou may feel small pain.
1.47sWhat the hell were you doing?
2.17sI warned you to stay away from those guys.
2.43sI'm capable of making my own decisions, Leela.
2.94sDid you ever stop to think I might be happier with gills?
1.13sGood news, everyone.
1.9sUh-oh, I don't like the sound of that.
2.69sYou'll be making a delivery to the planet Trisol.
1.27sHere it comes.
4.84sA mysterious world in the darkest depths of the forbidden zone.