2.09sNintendo, give me free stuff.
2.23sOkay, yes, I definitely remember doing that,
1.8sbut also, I would never do that.
1.56sDon't overreact, Rick.
1.99sSleepy Gary, a word? Sure, Jerry.
1.52sRick, keep a level head, okay?
2.7s'Cause I'll tell you a secret about Frankenstein --
4.1sHe's actually Frankenstein's monster.
4.33sSleepy Gary, m-my head is filled with memories of our friendship.
2.8sI'm convinced that you're Beth's husband and I'm your friend,
2.09sbut ifthose memories can't be trusted, then...
1.4sJerry, just say it,
3.16sSleepy Gary, how do we know Wm real?
1.97sJesus, Jerry.
1.43sNo, you're real.
1.3sHey, look at me.
1.59sNow, I don't know which way is up out there,