1.23sI mean, uh, lobster Newburg.
2.17sI mean, Dr. Zoidberg.
1.8sOkay, everyone. Calm down.
2.67sThe professor and I will get to work on the ship.
4.61sBender, Zoidberg, since you can survive underwater you'll go out and look for food.
0.98sI better go, too.
1.65sThey don't know what I like.
3.62sFry, no! The pressure will crush you like a green snake under a sugarcane truck!
5.14sThis is a chance for Fry to test out my experimental anti-pressure pill.
1.75sI can't swallow that.
1.55sWell, then, good news!
2.23sIt's a suppository.
2.24sHow are you doing there, Fry?