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2.47sNo one is on trial. This is a joyous occasion for all.
2.62sAnd the outpouring of support has been so lucrative.
5.36sYes. We have already received lifetime supplies of baby powder and Pepsi "B."
1.95sFree baby cola!
4.3sApu hits the jackpot and I'm stuck with these useless one-tuplets!
2.22sGee, sorry for being born.
3.04sI've been waiting so long to hear that.
3.3sHow do you feel about this avalanche of free merchandise?
4.27sOh, the companies are so generous, except the Q-tip people.
3.64sThey only gave us three crates. They can rot in hell.
2.6sBut the good folks at Sony-- mwah--