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1.4sNo, we're on the top.
1.5sDaylight and everything.
1.98sIt must be wonderful.
3.07sListen, we actually came down here to find our pet, Nibbler.
1.9sHe got flushed down the toilet.
3.92sWell, if he got flushed down the toilet he probably came through here.
1.63sEverything always does.
1.55sFollow me.
3.82sAll that is ours was once flushed down your toilets.
1.84sOver there is our aquarium.
1.62sThis is our library.
2.74sNothing but crumpled porno and Ayn Rand.
2.17sAnd over here is our church.
3.82sWow, you guys worship an unexploded nuclear bomb?
1.53sYeah, but nobody's that observant.
2.2sIt's mainly a Christmas and Easter thing.
3.27sCome to daddy, sweetie-ookums.
3.64sSo, is it true that alligators flushed down the toilet survive down here?
1.9sNo. That's just an urban legend.
1.08sThen what are those?