2.43sand rendering the ink invisible.
3.3sAh. So it's less painful than regular tattoo removal.
1.57sNobody said that.
1.7sThe robot mafia's after me!
3.05sYou got to hide me, or it's curtains for Johnny Z.
1.87sYou mean I'm invisible?
2.69sNo, no, no. Not in any sense of the word.
3sBut essentially, yes, entirely.
5.22s(POUNDING ON DOOR) JOEY MOUSEPAD: It's no use, Zoidberg. We're, like, 85% sure you're in there!
1.88sWhere is that rat?
1.89sDR. ZOIDBERG: Zoidberg's not here.
10.44sAll right, but if you see him, give him one of these... (DR. ZOIDBERG GROANS) And one of these, and not one of these. (DR. ZOIDBERG GROANING) Come on, Clamps, let's go, and watch out,