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3.25sThis is Kent Brockman, live at the Monty Burns Casino.
3.17sMoments from now, "the house that social security checks built"...
4.49swill be demolished to make way for a casino-themed family hotel.
1.98sThis must be heartbreaking for you, sir.
2.24sI'm just thinking of my employees--
3.87sAll the cardsharps, bottom dealers and shills.
2.94sWhere will they go? They're managing your chain of nursing homes, sir.
2.97sGone are such headliners as Little Timmy and the Shebangs,
4.04sthe Shebangs, and the New Shebangs, featuring Big Timmy.
2.17sRemember how excited we were when this place opened?
2.2sThen a week later we just forgot about it.
2.97sI'm surprised they bothered to move it when they moved the town.
2.03sOh, I can explain that. You see--
3.74sFive, four, three, two--
2.37sAll right! Here comes the implosion.