1.23sshe's gonna kill you.
1.18sNo, she's not, Peter.
1.6sWhat the hell kind of talk is that?
1.8sNow, I'm gonna win this thing.
1.62sLook, Lois, you don't have to do this for me.
1.73sI know I make you mad sometimes,
2.29sbut I thought we agreed you'd hang up the gloves.
2.97sI'll hang up the gloves after I knock her ass out.
1.6sPeter, she milked your boobs,
1.97sand there were a lot of people I knew there.
1.03sNow, let's go.
1.55sVENDOR: Butt scratcher!
1.83sGet your butt scratcher here!
2.02sNow, since this is a televised boxing match,
5.4sI'm gonna be joined by a horribly disfigured former fighter providing barely intelligible commentary throughout.