1.57sPeter, I'm using you as a house immigrant,
1.93sso take my family's luggage to their rooms,
2.4sand then go get settled down at the servants' quarters.
2.24sRight away, Mr. Pewterschmidt, sir.
1.9sDaddy, we don't want any special treatment.
2.9sWe're here as a family, and we're going to live as a family.
1.27sAre you serious?
2.47sWe come to a mansion, and you want to live with the help?
2.34sOh, no. That boy's ball fell out of the cup.
1.43sOh, but it's okay,
2.97sbecause the ball is on a string and attached to the cup.
4.24s(GREETING IN SPANISH) You must be the Griffins. I am Gerardo, the head groundskeeper.