1.83sCome on, Stewie, can you fix that damn thing or not?
1.33sWell, it's not broken, Brian.
2.17sIt operates according to the laws of physics,
2.29sbut we're outside the space-time continuum,
2.7sso there are no laws of physics. Watch.
1.25sHow the hell did you do that?
1.23sNo laws of physics, Brian.
2.92sWe create our own physics. See, watch this.
2.23sHeart and soul
1.8sI fell in love with you
2.1sHeart and soul
1.8sThe way a fool would do
9.94sMadly Because you held me tight And stole a kiss in the night Huh? Did I tell you?
1.5sYeah, that was good. We were good.
1.87sYeah, that's why it sucks that we're alone here.