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4.87sBrian, can I give you money and you write me a check so I can order something from this Abercrombie & Fitch catalog?
2.3sWhat do you want to order? Oh, wait, let me guess. Him.
2.9sReally? Why would I order your ex-boyfriend?
2.44s(LAUGHING) He got you, Brian!
3.37s(GROANS) Why didn't I think of this before?
2.1sNow I can always have the last word.
2.8sLike that ground-control guy during the moon landing.
5.15sNEIL: That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
1.68sMAN: Roger that, Neil.
2.94sNEIL: We came in peace for all the peoples of the Earth.
1.67sMAN: We read you, Neil.
2.8sNEIL: We chose to go to the moon, not because it is easy,
1.67sbut because it is hard.
1.53sMAN: Had a lot of help down here, Neil.
4.6sNEIL: We have slipped the surly bonds of Earth and touched the face of God.
1.77sMAN: Yeah, if you could just grab some rocks, Neil,
2.4sthrow them in a bag, we'll get you home safe and sound.
5.77sYou know what's cool? Lois let me stay up till 7:30 last night to watch Phineas and Ferb.
3.37s(YAWNING) I'm so tired from staying up that late.