2.06sWell, no. You don't want to be a hooker.
3.56sWow, Mr. Griffin! You're the first teacher that ever told us we could do anything.
2.63sWell, I didn't mean sell your body for money.
1.56s"0, Captain! my Captain!"
1.26sNo, you're actually misunderstanding.
1.13s"0, Captain! my Captain!"
1.33sWell, if it works for you, I guess....
1.47s"0, Captain! my Captain!"
1.87sWhat the hell? Be the best damn hooker you can be.
1.56s"0, Captain! my Captain!"
2.56sWe're too late! Oh, my God.
1.47sOkay, I gotta call the police.
1.56sWhat's that smell?
2.16sDead body, right. That's what that is.
4.06sIjust had a dream I was an egg, and I was being hatched by Elisabeth Hasselbeck.
2.7sNo, wait a minute. I can't call the police.