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11.61sMoving my feet so my stomach won't hurt I'm kinda like Jesus But not in a sacrilegious way Geez. Homer's losing it already.
3.17sYeah, but his weary shuffling makes my heart smile.
2.5sI'm so hungry!
3.1sHis tummy sounds angry, Daddy.
2.3sYeah. That's his stomach eating itself.
4.45sIt's such a beautiful day. Where are the crowds?
3.2sDuffman is thrusting in the direction of the problem.
4.17sHmm. People seem to be drawn to that kook.
1.6sMaybe we can exploit him.
2.84sNo, it's too dangerous, sir. He knows about Albuquerque.
2.14sDuffman is a cautious cat!
2.5sNo, listen. Fans love wackos.
2.54sRemember that busty woman who ran out on the field...
2.79sand farted at the ballplayers?
2.69sHuh? I think we've found our newest attraction.