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3.07sSo, do you guys just not do the anal probe anymore? Is that...
1.6sNo, that's more or less been retired.
2.24sI see, I see.
2.03sDo you still have the thing?
2.55sOh, my God, what a beautiful room.
3.47sParis is so incredible. I can't believe we're really here.
1.17sI know.
2.24sLook at all the people on the street.
1.67sNot a lot of people of color here,
2.03sbut the ones that are black are really black.
1.7sI've noticed that, too.
3.1sAll right, I've got our whole day planned. First, we'll go to the Louvre.
2.77sThen, we'll go shopping along the Champs-Elysees.
2.19sUh, Lois, I should probably tell you,
3.5sI didn't come all the way here to go to museums and shops.
1.57s(STAMMERING) Well, I don't understand.
1.93sWhy'd you even want to come here, then?
3.07sLois, I came here to have an affair.
2.24sAn affair? With who?
1.53sMy God.
3.24sWell, can we at least do some Muppet-style sightseeing first?