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2.62sDad, we got to go back to school, real school.
0.9sWhat do you mean?
2.08sThe goat flu outbreak at school is over,
2.64sand honestly, I'm afraid we're not learning anything.
1.78sMeg, you couldn't be wronger.
1.92sYou're learning everything. Watch.
1.98sChris, dates... Battle of Hastings! I don't know.
1.23s- Franco-Prussian War! - I don't know.
1.2sSherman's March to the Sea! I don't know.
1.27s- Cuban Missile Crisis! - No idea.
1sTrail of Tears! Never heard of it.
1.1s- Death of Charlemagne! - What is that?
1.2sTreaty of Augsburg! I got nothing.
1.57sCortes reaches South America! Pumping a dry well.
1.23s- Teapot Dome Scandal! - Sounds fake.
1.8sSeptember 11th, 2001! Also sounds fake.
1.67s- The Bronze Age! King James Bible! - Nope. No.
1.17s- San Juan Hill! - No!
1.47s- Wounded Knee! Great Schism! - Stop. Dad!
1.43sI'll take you back to school.
2.77sOh, there you are. Hurry up now, Bonnie. We're gonna miss our plane.
3.94sLois, I've thought a lot about this, and I'm not going with you.
1.83sWhat? What do you mean?
2.18sI'm staying here with Francois.
3.15sI see. You know, I thought you might say something like this,
3.29sand that's why I called someone who might be able to change your mind.