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2.15sthen the large women,
2.07sthen the petite women,
2.32sthen the large women again.
1.41sInitiate snu-snu!
2.2sSnu-snu! Snu-snu! Snu-snu!
3.07sSnu-snu! Snu-snu! Amy! Before I die,
3.84sI have to tell you I didn't mean to say those awful things on our date.
4.04sThey were all Zapp's idea. Really? Honest and true?
4.69sYes. And-And that person calling and hanging up was me.
3.29sI was just too nervous to say hello because...
1.58sI love you.
1.11sOh, Kif!
2.42sIt Og's first time.
2.22sBe gentle!
3.44sWe've got to do something. Bender, maybe you can interface with the Femputer...
2sand reprogram it to let them go.
3.07sMaybe you can interface with my ass... by biting it!