1.9sOh, Boy, Stewie's got the right idea.
2.02sOw, What the hell are you doing?
1.5sIt's wet down there, Brian.
3.72sGee, This sucks worse than that time I did cocaine with Karl Malden.
1.93sWhat are you getting all bent out of shape about?
1.67sWell, you know, Karl, i--I didn't get...
1.6sI got virtually nothin' here, you know?
1.57sLook, I don't see what the problem is.
1.2sNo, you wouldn't, would you?
2.14sL-Look, all I'm saying is, I got the raw end of the deal.
1.03sYou invited me over.
1.7sYeah, well, now I'm regretting it.