4.57sBeep-beep! Comin' through! Hey, Notre Dame, move it or lose it.
4.52sA-oo-ga! Will the owner of the great big butt please move it out of my face.
0.42sClimb it, man! All right!
2.59sHey, Ma, I'm on TV!
3.1sHey, where's that weather chick? Ooh! This is some wicked party, huh?
3.3sHey, have you seen Sully? Get away from here!
3.25sHey! I need that pencil! Ladies and gentlemen, what you are seeing...
3.65sis a total disregard for the things St. Patrick's Day stands for.
2.34sAll this drinking, violence, destruction of property--
2.63sAre these the things we think of when we think of the Irish?