1.58sHey, Why is he taking one?
2sOh, This is my friend, Peter Griffin.
2.57sHe recently discovered he was black.
1.93sHe doesn't look very black to me.
2.22sGentlemen, Gentlemen, please.
2.14sJudge me not by the color of my skin.
1.57sFor I have always been there with you.
1.67sYou ain't been there.
2.72sI was there when George and Weezy moved on up to the East Side.
1.07sOh! Oh!
2.94sHallelujah! Those were happy times!
2.4sBut-- But-- But I was also there for the bad times.
2.79sWhen Florida lost James to that tragic auto accident.
4.02sAnd--and I was there when Tootie got those terribly painful braces!
5.49sOh, Yes! And--And when Arnold Jackson got beat up by the Gooch, I was there.