1.3sWhat's the secret to happiness?
1.98sVery good. Babs, give him a caramel.
1.25sOh! Ugh!
1.22sHey, hey, hey!
1.87sHey lois, What are your parents doing here?
4.27sOh, They surprised us with a visit after I told them about your recent discovery.
1.68sYep. I even got my own posse.
1.77sHey, uh, Big Dog, T-Bone, Shades,
2.17suh, you guys go make yourself some sandwiches.
1sWe'll hook up later.
2.7sMy jacket's in the kitchen. Please don't write on it.
4.49sWell, I think Chris and Meg should know the Pewterschmidt side of their ancestry, too.
3.9sKids, did you know the Pewterschmidts were among the first to colonize America?
3.67sN-n-Now, kids, don't be taken in by The Man. Stay black and proud.