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1.9sYou wiped the floor with that towel.
3.19sYo! Did y'all check me when that hottie was all up in my Kool-Aid?
2.35sYeah, I was looking to break off a little sumpin'-sumpin'
4.04sbut my crew gave me the 411 on that skank and she's all about the bling bling.
0.92sPeter, What's wrong?
1.23sHe's speaking in tongues, Lois!
1.57sOur son is possessed!
2.87sMeg, start at Psalm 41 and don't stop reading until I tell you!
1.62sThe power of Christ compels you!
0.97sAhh! Ahh!
1.4sThe power of Christ compels you!
1.8sAhh! Ahh!
2.1sPeter, stop! He's not possessed.
1.2sYeah, he's just talking street.
1.37sLots of kids do it.
1.23sWell, that's kind of weird.
1.45sPeter, it's just a phase.
1.83sYou've gone through a few yourself, you know.
2.99sYeah, Like those 2 weeks you spent narrating your own life.
2.67sI walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.
3.87sI looked with a grimace at the questionable meal Lois had placed in front of me.
5.37sOf course, I'd never tell her how disgusted I was with her cooking but somehow I think she knew.
5.44sLois had always been full of energy and life but lately I had begun to grow more aware of her aging.
7.59sThe bright, exuberant eyes that I had fallen in love with were now beginning to grow dull and listless with the long fatigue of a weary life.