2.24sThat Jessica Biel sure is a cutie.
1.6sYou were masturbating when I came in.
3.57s- So, how's it hanging?
- Get out!
2.87sOkay, everybody, tonight I've got a real treat for you.
2.33sWe've all seen your compilation video, Brian.
1.4sShatner singing Rocket Man,
1.97sdrunk Orson Welles doing that commercial,
1.63sSylvester Stallone in that porno,
1.8sand Bill Cosby beating up that midget.
1.6sWait, I don't remember that last one.
2.9sYeah, it's freaking brutal, for no reason, you know?
2.17sThe poor little guy's just sitting there eating his Snack Pack.
3sBill Cosby just runs in out of nowhere and just starts wailing on him.