1.33sGood night, Brian.
1.84sCome on.
1.33sJeez, enough with that already.
1.77sYou're like a dog with a bone.
2.57sTell me about it. I'll be in the basement.
1.1sDoin' what?
1.17s(Brian) What do you think?
2.57sWow, Joe, where did you get the new legs?
3.74sTransplant. They belonged to a death row inmate who got the chair.
2.84sUnfortunately for me, he was also a paraplegic.
1.7sGuys, I don't know what I'm gonna do.
1.63sLois is the only woman for me.
3.17sWell, then, it sounds like you've gotta find a way to win her back.
3.34sYeah, like--like we could get her drunk and take turns havin' sex with her.