1.59sUm -- Wow,
2.26sYeah, pretty specific pitch, Summer.
5.63sI probably could turn myself into a teenager and hang out in the zit-covered, hormone-addled,
1.99slow-stakes assworld that is high school.
1.63sBut here's my reverse-ask --
2.09sBe ashamed of yourself, sweetie.
1.8sJerry! Do you know what you just said to our daughter?
1.97sSor-ry! I wasn't paying attention.
2.4sTo a conversation about vampires?!
2.59sClearly, I didn't know it was about vampires,
1.76sbecause I wasn't paying attention,
1.47swhich you would know,
1.76sif you ever paid attention to me!
1.9sOh, here we go, right to the victim role,
1.59sAm I a victim, Beth,