2.07sOh, come on, it was only 600.
3.74sMy God, that's more than I spent to go see that prize fight in Vegas.
2.67sI thought you said we was going to see Hairspray.
2.97sBitch, I thought I said just shut up and be looking fine.
1.47sWell, since Lois is the mayor,
2.2sI'm allowed to reroute all the town's electricity.
2.47s- What'd you do that for?
- So I could reanimate the corpse
1.93sof Jim Varney. Howdy, Vern.
2.77sThis is some dad-gum nice house you got here, Vern.
2sThat's Vern-Vern-Vern-Vern.
3.14sOh, wait, wait. It was John Belushi. That's who I wanted.
1.7sPeter, how could you... Way ahead of you, Brian.
2.5sMy mistake. I'll take care of this.