1.49sI'm sorry, Congressman.
3.57sBut this is a committee for designing dollar coins no one will use.
1.94sI say we make 'em out of chocolate.
1.73sKids eat 'em anyway. Why fight it?
1.77sOh, I need some air.
2.64sDo you need some hot air? We congressmen are full of it.
1.73sI blather on for hours.
2.94sYap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap,
0.65syap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap.
2.62sI thought you'd make a difference. That's why I voted for you.
1.89sHow could you vote? You're only 10.
2.69sThis is not about me or how many times I voted.
2.42sYou said you were gonna get rid of the airplanes over our house.
2.17sAnd now they're worse than ever.
2sKrusty, you've let everyone down.
3.69sAnd even worse, you let down this sacred document.