1.67sSaving a race of one-eyed monsters?
1.8sWho could object to that?
1.5sCut to the chase, Preach.
2sDo you, Alcazar, take this woman...
1.67sPoorer, in sickness, to love, death, part?
1.7sYeah, sure, I do. Come on-- faster!
3.55sDo you, Leela, copy and paste his response till death do you part?
2.75sWhy you are so late for our wedding?
1.9sAnd why you have only one eye?
1.68sUh, hey, sweetie.
2.55sjust go back to the castle and wait for me.
2.02sShe... She's nuts.
4.47sI can morph into a five-eyed alien and I kind of said I'd marry her.
4.02sBut I'm really a Cyclops and I'm really going to marry you.