2.27sOkay. Prepare for itemized insults.
3.27sA. Don't ever listen to me talk. You don't deserve my words.
3.34sB. When I said I enjoyed it, I was speaking ironically.
3.04sAnd C. You actually like High School Musical?
5.77sWhat are you? Eight? No, that's impossible because I've seen that big hairy mudflap ass of yours in the locker room.
3.87s(FARTS) (ALL LAUGHING) (CHUCKLING) That was awesome!
1.67sThe joke's kind of on us because we're smelling it.
1.77sJOCK 1: Yeah! JOCK 2: Awesome!
2.64sJOCK 3: (LAUGHING) Way to go! JOCK 4: (LAUGHING) Sweet!
1.4s(SCOFFS) Scott is such an idiot.
1.53sI'm totally breaking up with him.
2.24sI'm gonna switch to one of the other popular guys.
3.04sBut, Connie, you've gone out with, like, every popular boy in this school.
3.14s(SIGHS) Yeah, you're right. God, they all suck so much.