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1.7sHi, Brian. How are you?
2.2sOh, he's doing great. Isn't that right, pal?
3.1sGuy looks like a million bucks, all green and wrinkly, right?
1.03sOh, get in here.
2.65s(BOTH LAUGHING) Whoa, hey, oh!
3.1sOkay, let's have dinner, huh?
2.74sSo, how did you guys get together?
4.25sHe showed up at my door and said he was a Federal Boob Inspector.
3.5sAnd I was gonna tell him to go away, but he had a warrant.
3.27sIt was a Snickers wrapper, Brian. I held up a Snickers wrapper.
4.85sBut then he started saying things to me that my father might say if he were still alive,
2.85sand I knew I liked him.
2.33sWell, I guess you guys have gotten pretty close, huh?
2.84sDid Quagmire ever tell you he was obese as a child?
3.5sDid Brian ever tell you he once had a tick on the back of his neck that he couldn't reach with his mouth,
1.9sand it swelled up to the size of a Ping-Pong ball?
3.17sWell, it was still smaller than that thing you had on your lip for three years.
3.8sOh, three years? You mean like the three years you have left on this planet?