1sNot me.
3.14sPETER: Put the dog out. The dog's crying.
2.2sCan someone put... Lois, can someone put the dog out?
1.4sI'm trying to read!
2.5s(GROANS) What the hell? What's the matter with you?
1.94sDid an ambulance go by or something?
1.8sPeter, I'm not getting drunk for fun.
2.39sI'm drinking because I'm sad.
1.72sBecause I'm never gonna meet the right woman.
2.85sBecause I'm... I'm going to die old and alone.
1.67sOh, you're Rip Torn drinking.
2.42sListen, instead of sitting here feeling sorry for yourself,
2.5swhy don't you take Quagmire's class on picking up chicks?
2.72sQuagmire teaches a class? How come I've never heard about this?
2.07s'Cause Quagmire forbids us to tell you about his life.