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2.45sSorta like a giant karaoke machine?
2.97sNot really. Would you like to see our giant karaoke machine?
2.17sNot really.
2.94sMm. Finding God, that's important, yeah.
1.94sBut you know what might be a treat for everyone?
2.24sIf you let me use the telescope to find my lost friend, Bender.
2.2sI-i don't know what to say.
2.27sOther than, "Absolutely not."
2.24sYour loss is a tragedy, but our work--
2.25sAh! Come on! You guys have forever to look for God.
3.49sAll I'm asking is one measly lifetime to find my friend!
2.34sHe speaks out of love for his friend.
2.77sPerhaps that love in his heart... is God.
3.12sOh, how convenient. A theory about God...
2.2sthat doesn't require looking through a telescope.
2.27sGet back to work!
1.77sThat telescope is as much mine as anybody's.
2.5sI'm using it whether you give me permission or not.
3.65sHy-ahh! Your order may be famous for your martial arts,