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0.4sYou do ? Why ?
3.04sOh, come on, Lis. You know why.
0.4sNo, why ?
4.04sI'll never forgive you for making me say this.
2.7sYou're smarter than me.
1.47sSo, you with me ?
0.77sYeah, man.
3.27sOh, oh. Okay, okay.
2.74sDon't try anything funny. I'm armed to the teeth.
3.3sBart, look, over here on the microwave.
1.97sSo, I don't have a pacemaker.
3.77sCome on, Bart. The tape showed that the robber heated up a burrito.
3.07s- So ?
- Don't you remember the get-well card we sent to Krusty ?
1.93sIt was after his heart attack...
3.07s- when he had a pacemaker put in.
- Aha !