1.85sFRY: Hey, why are they hooked up like that?
2.7sIs it some kind of Craft-matic adjustable death bed?
1.83s(LAUGHS MOCKINGLY) Don't be ridiculous.
2.64sTheir bodies are being used to generate electricity.
3sThe idea came from an old movie called The Matrix.
4.24sBut wouldn't almost anything make a better battery than a human body?
2.55sLike a potato? Or a battery?
2.1sPlus, no matter how much energy they produced,
2.69sit would take more energy than that to keep them alive.
2.72sI know, I know. It sounds absurd.
2.4sIn fact, when The Matrix first came out,
1.9sit seemed like the single crummiest,
6.29slaziest, most awful, dimwitted idea in the entire history of science fiction, but it turned out to be true.