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1.33sWhat? Where?
1.93sWell, I can't tell if it's him.
2.57sI think he's wearing some kind of disguise.
1.77sOh, my God, Dad!
1.6sWhat do you think you're doing?
1.67s(IN MOCK CHINESE ACCENT) Peter? Who Peter?
2.77sI didn't say "Peter." I said "Dad."
2.54sHave you been spying on us the entire time we've been dating?
4.1sMeg, it's only because I wanna make sure this guy treats you right and doesn't try anything funny.
2.24sMeg, this is more than I can deal with.
3.04sIf your father is this opposed to our relationship,
1.37sI don't see how it can work out.
2sBut, Michael... I'm sorry, Meg.
3.54sI promise I won't forget you.
1.43sSee, look, Meg. He just walked out on you.
2.94sHe's a bad man, like Jodie Foster.
4.6s(DOOR SLAMS) Oh, no, Jodie. It's my husband. He's home from work early.
2.5s(IN MALE VOICE) Don't worry, baby. He had to find out sometime.