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1.6sYou'll do great. Just remember,
2.5syou're getting devastating news, so act more humble.
2.24sDon't tell me how to do humble!
4.57sMy humble ranks among the greatest in the history of the universe!
2.69sNow, stand back and watch the master at work.
1.13sYou can do it, Calc-y!
1.9sNo. He can't.
1.07sYou beg my pardon?
1.12sI'm sorry, Calculon,
2.22sbut someone needs to remind you of the truth.
4.55sYou're a grade-B actor who died and was immediately forgotten.
1.72sLeela! That's not very nice.
4.96sYou're nothing but a pompous windbag who lost touch with genuine emotion years ago.
2.77sThe sad fact is, we should have left you dead,
3.34sbecause you can't possibly do a scene like this.